Bus 穿梭巴士




09:00          11:00          13:00          15:00

17:00          19:00          21:00          23:00

如果您需要使用,请提前1小时拨打总机预订,联系电话:023-6219 6999。

In order to facilitate the travel of hotel guests, the hotel provides shuttle bus service every day.

09:00-23:00 rolling start every 2 hours

Ourland international hotel -- Huaxia airlines -- Gold port international shopping center -- Airport plaza -- Ourland international hotel

09:00          11:00          13:00          15:00

17:00          19:00          21:00          23:00

If you need to use it, please call the operator one hour in advance to make a reservation, contact number: 023-6219 6999.